Tuesday, August 13th, 2024
Good morning, Cedar Falls. Here's your local news at a glance for Tuesday, the 13th of August.
- ➤ The 2024 Seal Coat Project by Blacktop Service Co. will start the week of August 12, 2024, affecting multiple roads and facilities for approximately one week, weather permitting. City of Cedar Falls
- ➤ The 9th annual Dunkin’ Cop on a Rooftop event, held to support Special Olympics Iowa, features law enforcement and athletes collecting donations at Dunkin' locations. Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
- ➤ The Cedar Falls Recycling Center will be closed for maintenance on August 12th, but residents have access to multiple alternate locations for their recycling needs. Y99.3
- ➤ LifeServe Blood Center is urging Black Hawk County residents to donate blood during August, highlighting the fast process and listing local blood drives. Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
- ➤ Fall high school sports practices kick off in Iowa with games to be broadcast on the KWAY Sports Network. Y99.3
- ➤ Iowa high school sports will see tennis and golf switch to fall seasons and basketball changes allowing higher seeded teams to host games until the State Tournament starting in the 2025-26 school year. Y99.3
2024 Cedar Valley Golf Classic
Experience one of Cedar Valley's premier golf tournaments and network with local investors at the Pheasant Ridge Golf Course.
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The cure for pain is in the pain.
~ Rumi
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